
The Best I Can Do is Two Bwain Cells

Life kind of sucks right now. I'm working really hard on the babywormcore community to make sure it grows and thrives. I've also gotten my term paper on the Eagle deposit in northern Michigan turned in. I've got another assignment on land subsidence from oil wells to turn in on Wednesday. Next week is finals week and critical minerals has like 400 questions (not an exaggeration) on the two study guide. In geology, metamorphosis occurs under heat and pressure, both for rocks and grad students.

Otherwise, I've got a holiday party this Friday at my advisor's house. I don't really want to go but there's free alcohol so I'll be there with baked goods. I'm leaning towards making the sesame cookies from the FFXIV cookbook for that event. Work is also hectic as the grants just keep piling higher and I'm trying to get proof of concept for another, completely unrelated grant. Talking about this made me realize I forgot to order something for that project. My seasonal depression has kicked in too and I've got the mood lamp out. Anyways, I'm feeling pretty beat.

I'm getting a tattoo of the monsters from the monster cereals to celebrate my first semester of grad school and I feel that's pretty babywormcore. I've also beaten Chrono Trigger, which is now the best SNES RPG ever made in my opinion. I've got the Baten Kaitos remake to play next but I probably won't get to touch it before Christmas.

I want to make babywormcore grow and flourish. I know I'm probably yelling into the void here, but if you read this and you have comments or critiques to help me, shoot them my way. Have you found the pepperoni secret on the home page?