
Getting Back Into Hellenic Polytheism

Good Goddess Hekate, you who tends to lost souls
And those who occupy society’s liminal spaces,
Your torch is a beacon of hope in the darkest night,
Just as your suppers offered respite for the destitute.
As the moon lights my path and darkness hides me
From those who wish me harm, you do the same.
Though others may flee the baying of black hounds,
The maddening torches of the Lampads, I do not fear.
For in you, I am as stoic as the polecat you favor.
O, Daughter of Asteria, only-begotten maiden,
I know I am never alone whether by land, sea, or sky.
Truly, you are a worker from afar, great Queen of
Daemons, all encompassing in your domain.
Whether by crossroad, threshold, or gate, I know
You watch my steps and lead me safely to my
Destination. Destined to mortality, I do not lament,
For I know that when the time comes and light leaves
My eyes, that my longing to be with you shall end.
For I pray it is by your blazing torch I am guided from
This world to the kingdom of the Daughter of Demeter.

I spent most of my younger life as a Christian but obviously that didn't really work out when I because a scientist and started transing my gender. I was an atheist for a while but I've had some supernatural experiences I can't really explain rationally and that's led to me being open to religion. In 2018 I got into paganism and slowly grew closer to the Greek gods. I was drawn to Hekate in particular. I know this sounds really weird and off, but it's really personal. I asked her for something and she gave me a task in return. She's held up her end of the bargain. Artemis and Aphrodite have been good to me as well. In 2021, my new job really started to take time away from me and my practice sorta fell to the wayside. However, recently my girlfriend has been asking me about Hellenic Polytheism and wanting to worship with me and that's gotten me back into it.