
Monster High and Spooky Writing

A calico cat in a box surrounded by Monster High Neon Frights

So, I've started collecting Monster High dolls and watching the new cartoon series. I think Toralie is my favorite character at the moment (I know people will hate her at first but you need to let her story arc happen). I've gotten the complete Skulltimate Secrets Neon Frights set and I'm probably going to get the Hissfits three pack and Spectra next month! I love the generation 3 lore. Frankie is nonbinary, Duece has two moms, they've got characters explicitly stating they're autistic, its so nice to see a cartoon where diversity is celebrated.

On the gender stuff, I've been wearing jewelry, perfume, and makeup every day as well as working on changing my voice and handwriting. I went to a caving festival the other day and wore a two piece bathing suit for the first time! It was weird, I felt naked, but I realized men were looking at me and I honestly felt attractive and happy and my anxiety went away. Most people at work haven't seemed to notice except for my voice. I have mixed feelings about this but I'm not making changes for them, so what else can I do?

I'm working my way through Pet Sematary by Stephen King and I've finished a short story called "Rainbow Cove" and a flash fiction called "Straw and Meat". I'm working on getting both of them published. I've also been messing around with the lyrics for a concept album and a TTRPG based on them. It's a scifi thing about androids becoming sentient and is a transfeminist thing to be honest. I'm also working on a short story about an evil vending machine with supernatural sodas. The stories are all very gender but what can you do?