

I found the subreddit r/wunkus and I love it. It's full of goofy animal videos that sooth my soul. There are cats, turtles, fish, and even shrimp. Shrimps is bugs! Speaking of shrimp, I've been really tired from working out this week and I've been watching this guy reviewing Sea Monkeys products before bed to relax. Brine shrimp are goofy little guys and I love them.

I got my tax return this week and bought a ton of new caving gear! I am considering getting the stuff for vertical caving but I'm not certain. I'm also considering getting an instrument for camping or some games. I've got a long steam wishlist with a ton of JRPGs on it that I want to pick up. I don't know exactly what I want yet so I'm sorta sleeping on it. I've also got a ton of friends coming up to my town next month that I need to have money for. I guess it'll be spent soon enough.

I also went caving this weekend. We entered the cave and saw three bright orange salamanders and a tiny brown salamander. There was a strong wind blowing through the cave, much stronger than normal. As we traveled through the cave, we found it was much wetter than usual and there were streams where they're usually not. We ran into our first bat past the peanut butter hole. We climbed a large rock at a 45 degree angle and then descended and entered the popcorn junction room. We counted six bats here and left as to not disturb them. We found a flowing stream the flood overflow route and forded it. We took a high and dry route from here but eventually had to cross the stream again. We were able to navigate up to a large rock outcrop overlooking the cave before descending. We forded the stream again and found the fifth entrance to the cave, which requires free climbing. From there, we forded and left through the main entrance to the cave.