
Bog Witch Behavior

I beat Bugsnax and it was a great game! I love baby cakelegs and bunger! I also tried to feed the geese at work but they're mean, hissed at me, and then didn't eat any of the cabbage I offered them. I'm going to get a carbon fiber ukulele for camping and adventuring. I'm also looking at retro handheld emulators. I think I'm going to get a retroid pocket pro 4 with my tax return. I'm just so tired of the greed of game companies and I don't want to participate with that anymore.

Now, onto bog witch stuff. I know that's what got people to click this. I've realized that my thesis, which is about the paleodepositional environment of a coal seam, is basically studying ancient bogs and can be applied to modern bogs. I'm legit becoming a bog scientists and that's certified bog witch behavior. Now I need to find a coven and eat children and get pet . . . oh wait I already have pet spiders and a dumb lil cat. Grad school is tough and I cried a little last night because I realized it was taking time away I could spend on family, but this is a consolation.

I'm going caving tomorrow. The cave apparently has euhedral fluorite in association with sphalerite. Considering it's in limestone, that's a dead giveaway that its Mississipi Valley Type. That's a bunch of geology words I'm throwing out, but fundamentally I'm saying a bunch of fluids passed through these rocks and left ore crystals behind! It's neat because the only source I know of is hundreds and hundreds of miles away. I'll take some pics and post them in the next update.

P.S. I know these posts are getting a little sporadic because I'm a very busy skunk. I'm doing my best to keep at least one a week going up.